
Iscos Members States


The geographical area is 582,646 sq km with a population of 44.0 million (July 2012 est.). The capital city is Nairobi. Other important data is as below:-


Principal exports

Tea, Coffee, Horticulture, Raw Materials, Oil Products, Manufactured goods.

Principal imports

Manufactured Goods, Machinery and Transport Equipment, Oil, Chemicals.

Sea ports

Mombasa, Lamu and many other small ports


English, Kiswahili and many local languages

Lake ports

Kisumu port in Lake Victoria


Kenyan Shilling


The geographical area is 945 200 sq km with a population of 44.9 million (August 2012 Census).
The capital city is Dodoma with Dar Es Salaam being the administrative and commercial city.
Other important data and information is as below:-


Lake ports

Lake Victoria: Mwanza, Bukoba, Kemondo Bay, Musoma, Nansio, Lake Tanganyika: Kigoma, Kasanga, Lake Nyasa: Itungi, Manda, Liuli, Mbaba Bay.

Sea ports

Dar Es Salaam, Tanga, Zanzibar, Mtwara and many other small ports

Principal exports

Coffee, Cotton, Manufactures, Cashew Nuts, Minerals


English, Kiswahili and many local languages

Principal imports

Machinery and Transport Equipment, Consumer Goods


Tanzanian Shilling


The geographical area is 945 200 sq km with a population of 44.9 million (August 2012 Census).
The geographical area of Uganda is 263 036 sq km with a population of 34.8 million (July 2013 est. Census).The capital city is Kampala. Other important data is as below:


Principal imports

Manufactured goods, Machinery, Emquipments and Vehical/acessories, Oil/Oil products, Chemical Products, Food stuffs

Principal exports

Coffee, Tea, Fish, Tobacco, Flowers, Cotton, Gold, Cobalt, Oil re-export

Sea ports

Mainly shiping through Dar Essalam and Mombasa ports.


English, Kiswahili and many local languages

Lake ports

Port Bell in Lake Victoria


Ugandan Shilling


The geographical area is 752 612 sq km with a population of 13.1 million (2010).The capital city is Lusaka. Other important data is as below:-

Principal imports

Capital goods, Chemical Products, Crude Oil, Petroleum Products

Principal exports

Cobalt, Copper, Cotton, Cut flowers, Electric Appliances, Hardwood, Mineral Product

Sea ports

Mainly shiping through Dar Essalam and Mombasa ports.


English and many local languages


Zambian Kwacha