Provision of a Common platform
ISCOS provides Member States and the region at large, with a common platform for structured dialogue and articulation of cross border and Transnational Shipping and Logistics matters affecting the region. ISCOS, with a regional mandate covering the surface and marine transport logistics, public and private sectors and with over 50 years built experience in Shipping and Logistics, continues to be the most ideal platform for addressing Shipping and Maritime matters affecting the region as a whole. During the half a century of existence, ISCOS has provided and indeed continues to provide this much need regional platform where Member States and stakeholders at large deliberate on matters of common concern and interest, resulting in the adoption of common positions on how to deal with national, trans-border and International shipping issues, and providing a framework for the adoption and harmonization of Maritime policies in the region. ISCOS’s platform also helps Member States to appreciate each other trans-boarder shipping concerns, resolve inter sate issues, derive common approaches with regard to multinational service Providers, and generally contributes to the development of harmonized Policies for the facilitation of trade to and from the region.